Tulips Bouquet

Tulips Bouquet

The beauty and grace of a simple Tulips mean effect, enduring love between partners or family, Undying passionate love, loyalty and a regal nature, abundance, prosperity. Tulips offer a basic cup shape that shows off the sides of the petals. It's meaning on its color. For example: yellow Tulip to someone means you love them, red is the color of passion and perfect love, don't send a red color tulips to a family member, it will be sending the wrong message, Purple Tulips is tied to royalty, but also abundance and prosperity, is less intense affection and love, and also offers a more appropriate choice for friends and family. flower shop provided those colors of tulips, flowers are fresh arrival from overseas suppliers everyday. Tulips normally can last a week if keep it in the cool place, it will bloom very beauty if put in in the warm place, but it only can keep 2-3days.

Twenty Five Tulips Bouquet  Always 25 Years Old

Twenty Five Tulips Bouquet Always 25 Years Old

Twenty Five Tulips Bouquet ..


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